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ملخص العظة
اسم العظة "The Stumbling-Blocks To Greatness" - David Legge
الملخص "The Stumbling-Blocks To Greatness"
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استمع للمزيد
Seven Words From the Cross - Victory
Road To Reality - Breakthrough - Part 2
Beg to Be Filled and Resist Filling
I Press Toward the Mark
Let Us go on Unto Perfection
Road To Reality - A Passion To Know Him - Part 2
Road to Reality - Do We Really Believe What We Say We Believe?
The Chief Cornerstone
(Hebrews - Part 45): Christian Manifesto - Part 1
(So Great A Salvation) Victory Part 1
(Titus - Part 2): An Introduction to Titus
(Titus - Part 23): Christian Subjection to Government
A Call To Return to God
A.W. Tozer Reading Poetry
Attributes of God (Series 1): A Journey into the Heart of God
Collection Of A.W. Tozer's Prayers - Volume 5
God's Great Promise to His Church
How to think as a Christian - Part 2
How to think as a Christian - Part 2
Path Toward Spiritual Perfection
Pt 4 No way to greatness but by death
Road To Reality - A Passion To Know Him - Part 1
The Apostolic Fellowship
The Best Is Yet To Come
The Epistle to the Torontonians - Part 1
To Live Is Christ
(1 John #29) Praying the Dead to Life
(1 Peter - Part 1): Introduction to 1st Peter
(1 Peter - Part 1): Introduction to 1st Peter
(1 Peter - Part 3): Begotten Again unto a Living Hope
(2008 USA Tour) Father of The Prodigal
(2008 USA Tour) Marriage! The Scriptures!
(2008 USA Tour) Preachers In The Last Days!
(2008 USA Tour) The Fool!
(2008 USA Tour) The Secret Place
(Hebrews - Part 12): Enter Into the Rest of Jesus
(Hebrews - Part 2): He Has Spoken to us By His Son
(Hebrews - Part 34): Noah Dared to Believe God
(How to Get Out of a Religious Rut): Awakened Out of Sleep
(How to Get Out of a Religious Rut): It's Imperative to Get Out of the Rut NOW!
(How to Get Out of a Religious Rut): Rote, Rut, and Rot!
(How to Get Out of a Religious Rut): The Church in the Rut
(How to Get Out of a Religious Rut): Three Spiritual Laws
(John - Part 1): God Has Put Everlasting Into Our Souls
(John - Part 15): Each on of Us Matters to God
(John - Part 16): The Personal Application of Christ's Coming Into the World
(John - Part 23): Man's Accountability to God
(John - Part 4): He Came Unto His Own, and His Own Received Him Not
(John - Part 44): Having Loved His Own, He Loved Them Unto the End
(John - Part 51): How to Cultivate The Holy Spirit's Presence
(Men Who Met God): Elijah - "The Lord Leviticus Before Whom I Stand"
(So Great A Salvation) Victory Part 2
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - Beg to Be
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - Fulfills
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - I Press Towards
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - I Press Towards
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - Intro
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - Paul's Sel
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - To Do The Work
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - To Do The Work
(The Chief End of Man - Part 10): Application - Saved Unto the Worship of God
(The Chief End of Man - Part 3): Worship Acceptable to God
(The Holy Spirit In The Book of Acts): God Wants to Give Us More
(The Holy Spirit In The Book of Acts): God Wants to Give Us More
(Titus - Part 10): Holiday Fast to the Faithful Word
(Titus - Part 15): Temptations Peculiar to Young Women
(Titus - Part 15): Temptations Peculiar to Young Women
(Titus - Part 16): Temptations Peculiar to Young Men
(Titus - Part 2): An Introduction to Titus
2 Keys To Enduring Tribulation
4 Keys To Being A Good Servant
A Biblical family - a tool in God´s hands (part 1)
A Biblical family - a tool in God´s hands (part 1)
A Biblical family - a tool in God´s hands (part 2)
A Biblical family - a tool in God´s hands (part 2)
A Call To Return to God
A Message to Fathers and Children
A Pastor's Telling of the Life of A.W. Tozer
A Warning To American Christianity
A.W. Tozer Reading Poetry
Abraham: From Fear To Faith
An Apostolic Confirmation Of A Church's Mission
Ask, And it shall be Given unto you
Beginning to Sink
Begotten Again unto a Living Hope
Being a Blessing to Others
Christ's Cry to the Church Of This Day and Age
Cranbrook 1993 Imparting Truth to Hearts Not Just Minds
Do Not Fear To Take Mary
Encouragement To Pray Pt2
Enquiring Minds Want to Know
Eyes to See (2 of 2)
From Simon to Peter #05 - 1st Impressions Confirmed #2
From Simon to Peter #07 - Called to be Fishers of Men
From Simon to Peter #09 - When Obedience Leads Into A Storm
From Simon to Peter #26 - The Holy Spirit and Peter's Mind - Part 1
Funeral Service for A.W. Tozer
God's Work To Be Done God's Way
Have You Been Unfaithful to God?
History Of Revival
How Liberals are Trying to Save a Dying Media
How to Avoid a Nervous Breakdown
How to Evangelize the World
How To Live With Difficult People
How To Pray For Revival
How To Pray In The Holy Spirit
How To Suffer Successfully
How to Tell When a Thing is From God
I Press Toward the Mark
Is It Harder To Follow Jesus?
Is the World Too Crowded?
Is Your God Able to Deliver You?
It's Imperative to Get Out of the Rut NOW!
Jesus Today
Keep Looking to Jesus
Las responsabilidades del pastor
Learning to Follow Our Master's Palm Sunday Lessons for His Disciples
Marching To Glory
Moral Qualifications for Pastoral Ministry
One Mediator
Pt 4 No way to greatness but by death
Return to a Biblical Church
Road to Reality - The Fear Of The Lord - Part 1
Road to Reality - The Fear Of The Lord - Part 2
Road to Reality - To Live Is Christ - Part 1
Road to Reality - When We Have Failed, What Next? - Part 2
Satanic Warfare: The Road To Revival by Keith Daniel
The Apostolic Fellowship
The Chief Cornerstone
The Epistle To The Romans
The Epistle to the Torontonians - Part 2
The Gospel to All People
The Heart That God Broke To Mend
The Key to Understanding
The Path to Power and Usefulness
The Return of Jesus Christ to Earth
The Secret Of Victory
The Signs of Pentecost Today
This Way to Real Freedom
To Judge or Not to Judge?
To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice
To What Purpose
Total Commitment
Total Depravity
Training Your Children to Work
Unity - The Forgotten Factor
What Does It Mean to Accept Christ - Part 1
What Does It Mean to Be Baptized with the Holy Spirit?
What It Means To Believe
Whatever Happened To Character?
Where to look for life
A Guide to Song of Solomon: Part Two
Can a True Believer Live in Sin to the Very End of Their Life, and Still Go to Heaven
How to Be Godly Women and Mothers
How to Slow Life Down
The Discipline of Disciple-Making: Doing What Christ Left Us to Do
What Sins Would Keep Someone from Going to Heaven?
Why Does God Send the Second Greatest Ecological Disaster of History in Revelation 8?
"A Pastor's Joy In His People - Part 1"
"A Pastor's Joy In His People - Part 2"
"Be Reconciled To Thy Brother"
"Built To Last For Eternity"
"Christian Science and Scientology"
"Dead To Sin (Baptismal Service)"
"Getting Back To The Bible"
"He Is Altogether Lovely"
"Introduction To 1 John"
"Marriage: To Be Or Not To Be?"
"The Administration Of God's Government"
"The Agonies Of Abraham"
"The Angel Of Jehovah"
"The Apostates Final Fall"
"The Baha'i Faith"
"The Baptism Of Christ"
"The Barren Womb And The Virgin Birth"
"The Bible and Personal Assurance"
"The Bounties Of Our Conquering Christ"
"The Case For Christ"
"The Certainty Of Salvation: Past, Present, And Future"
"The Childhood Of Christ"
"The Children Of Light"
"The Christian And False Doctrine"
"The Christian At Work"
"The Christian Husband"
"The Christian Life Turned Inside Out"
"The Christian Warrior's Armour - Part 1"
"The Christian Warrior's Armour - Part 3"
"The Christian Warrior's Brief"
"The Christian Wife"
"The Christian: The Divine Impersonator"
"The Church And Prayer"
"The Creepers"
"The Deathless Man And His Deathless Message"
"The Deity Of Christ"
"The Difference Between Those Who Think And Those Who Are - Part 2"
"The Ever Present Jesus"
"The Family Likeness"
"The God Of All Comfort"
"The Great Escape"
"The Humanity Of Christ"
"The Jeopardy Of Joseph Part 2"
"The Joy of Suffering Service - Part 1"
"The Life Journey Of Jacob"
"The Lord And Prayer"
"The Love Of God"
"The Majesty And Humility Of Christ - Part 1"
"The Marks Of A Spiritual Church - Part 1"
"The Marks Of A Spiritual Church - Part 2"
"The Marks Of A Spiritual Church - Part 3"
"The Missing Presence Of Christ"
"The Morning Watch"
"The Only Safe Place"
"The Origin Of Sin"
"The Origin Of The Human Race"
"The Origin Of The Universe"
"The Pain Of Paul"
"The Parable Of The Growth Of The Mustard Seed"
"The Parable Of The Lamp And Its Stand"
"The Path To Peace Of Mind - Part 1"
"The Place Called Calvary"
"The Practice And Principles Of The Lord's Supper - Part 1"
"The Practice And Principles Of The Lord's Supper - Part 2"
"The Practice And Principles Of The Lord's Supper - Part 3"
"The Pre-Existent Christ"
"The Reason It Was Written"
"The Reproduction Of Power In Effective Service"
"The Return Of Jesus Christ"
"The Sanctity of Marriage and The Security of Children"
"The Secret Of Contentment"
"The Servant Of Christ"
"The Servant's Baptism"
"The Sop And The Supper"
"The Stumbling-Blocks To Greatness"
"The Subject Of Divorce"
"The Unintentional Letter"
"The Universal Appeal Of Christ"
"The Unwelcome Christ"
"The Victorious Christian Life"
"The Wisdom Of A Master Soul-Winner"
"The Witness Of The Watchtower"
"The Worker's Rights"
"When Bad Things Happen To Good People"
(1 John #30) Stock of Certainties
(1 John #9) The Atoning Sacrifice for our Sins
(1 Peter - Part 19): The Chief Cornerstone and Us Cornerstones
(1 Peter - Part 23): The Christians Relation to Government
(2008 USA Tour) Caleb, Give Me This Mountain!
(2008 USA Tour) Singles Table Talk
(Hebrews - Part 31): Call to Remembrance
(Hebrews - Part 46): Christian Manifesto - Part 2
(How to Get Out of a Religious Rut): Dealing With Spiritual Problems
(How to Get Out of a Religious Rut): Errors in Thinking
(How to Get Out of a Religious Rut): Getting Out of the Rut
(John - Part 25): He Departed...Into a Mountain Himself Alone
(Mt Pleasant) 1. Introduction to Prayer
(Reformation Within Protestantism): Return to a Biblical Church
(Revelation - Part 4): To the Seven Churches
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - Beg to Be
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - Intro
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - My Soul
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - My Soul
(Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - Paul's Sel
(The Chief End of Man - Part 10): Application - Saved Unto the Worship of God
(The Chief End of Man - Part 3): Worship Acceptable to God
(Titus - Part 10): Holiday Fast to the Faithful Word
(Titus - Part 16): Temptations Peculiar to Young Men
(Titus - Part 23): Christian Subjection to Government
: Man's Accountability to God
2 Keys To Spiritual Growth
4 Gesu Cristo, l'aiuto dei credenti
4 Keys To A Healthy Church
4 Keys To Dealing With Sin
A Famine to be Dreaded
A Good Man is Hard to Find
A Life of Victory in the Midst of Troubles
A Pastor's Offering to God of Holy People
A Pastor's Telling of the Life of A.W. Tozer
A Time to Weep
A Touch of Love
Abhor What Is Evil; Hold Fast to What Is Good
Abortion and the Narrow Way That Leads to Life
Abortion: Shall We Listen to Men or God?
According To God's Will
Accounting To The Almighty God
All Dogs go to Heaven
Amando Demasiado - Loving Too Much
An Apostolic Confirmation Of A Church's Election
Anxieties: To Be Cast Not Carried
Are Signs and Wonders for Today?
Attributes of God (Series 1): A Journey into the Heart of God
Avoiding the Storms of Life
Baptized Into One Body
Be All Things to All Men
Becoming All Things to All Men to Save Some
Beg to Be Filled and Resist Filling
Beginning to Sink
Behold, your King comes to you
Belonging to the New People of God
Bethrothed To One Husband
Better Never to Have Known the Way
Beware of Detours
By Grace Unto Works
By This Time You Ought to Be Teachers
Call to Remembrance
Called According to His Purpose
Called To Authentic Christianity
Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed
Canadian Revival Story
Caught Up to the Third Heaven
Challenge to Christians in day of apostasy
Choose to Serve, Part One
Choose to Serve, Part Two
Chosen to be Holy
Christian Manifesto - Part 1
Christian Manifesto - Part 2
Christians: Almost or Altogether?
Collection Of A.W. Tozer's Prayers - Volume 2
Collection Of A.W. Tozer's Prayers - Volume 3
Collection Of A.W. Tozer's Prayers - Volume 4
Coming Back to God
Consider Each Other How to Stir Up Love
Created To Hear - Bill Johnson
Cristo superiore agli angeli (1)
Cristo: l'aiuto di chi è tentato
Cyprus - conflict and victory
Dad gracias en todo
Daring To Live The Intentional Life
Dead to sin; alive to God
Diagnostic Tools – Jesus, Paul & Disciplemaking
Dieu, auteur de l'histoire
Dio ha parlato
Direction to the Fallen
Doing Life Together - Part 1
Doing Life Together - Part 2
Dying To Self
Each on of Us Matters to God
El Pacto Negro - The Black Covenant
Elevator Ride to Hell
Elijah - "The Lord Leviticus Before Whom I Stand"
Encouragement To Pray Pt1
Enough Is Too Much
Enter Into the Rest of Jesus
Ephesians 3:16-19 - The Strength We Need to be Filled With Christ
Ephesians 3:7-9 Grace Given to Evangelize
Eyes to See (1 of 2)
Foreknown, Predestined, Conformed to Christ
Fourfold Challenge to Holiness
Free to Travel
From Simon to Peter #01 - Preparation
From Simon to Peter #04 - 1st Impressions Confirmed #1
From Simon to Peter #06 - Called To Be Fishers Of Men #1
From Simon to Peter #08 - In His Steps
From Simon to Peter #10 - Forward With Christ Without the Crowd
From Simon to Peter #12 - A Confession of Faith #2
From Simon to Peter #14 - On the Holy Mountain
From Simon to Peter #15 - Sifting Times
From Simon to Peter #16 - Go Tell Peter
From Simon to Peter #17 - For Me and for Thee
From Simon to Peter #18 - How the Forgiven Must Forgive
From Simon to Peter #19 - We Have Left Everything - What Shall We Have?
From Simon to Peter #20 - A Major Lesson in Humility
From Simon to Peter #21 - Forewarned but not Forearmed
From Simon to Peter #22 - Vital Reassurance
From Simon to Peter #24 - The Holy Spirit and Peter's Speech
From Simon to Peter #25 - The Holy Spirit and Peter's Personality
From Simon to Peter #27 - The Holy Spirit and Peter's Mind - Part 2
From Simon to Peter #28 - The Holy Spirit and Peter's Will
From Simon to Peter #31 - The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Discernment
From Simon to Peter #32 - The Holy Spirit and a Man's Prejudice
From Simon to Peter #34 - The Holy Spirit and Reaction to Criticism
From Suffering to Glory
From the Table to the Garden
Fully Yielded To God
Getting to Know God
Gift Our Lord Brought To The World - Part 1
Gift Our Lord Brought To The World - Part 2
Give it to God
Give Me a Man to Fight!
Give thanks unto the Lord!
Giving Way to Carnal Tendencies (21)
God Called Us into Life and Hope
God Gives Blessing to Produce Fruit
God Has Put Everlasting Into Our Souls
God Made Man to Worship
God wants the total you
Good News to the Poor
Having Loved His Own, He Loved Them Unto the End
He Came Unto His Own, and His Own Received Him Not
He Departed...Into a Mountain Himself Alone
He Has Spoken to us By His Son
He is Altogether Lovely
Helps To Prayer
Hindrances To Prayer
Hold The Church To Love
How Elder-Shepherds Prepare to Meet the Chief Shepherd
How God Makes Known the Riches of His Glory to the Vessels of Mercy
How God Taught me to Give
How to be Blessable
How to Continue Steadfastly
How to cultivate the Holy Spirit's companionship
How to Cultivate the Holy Spirits Presence
How to Cultivate the Holy Spirits Presence
How to Cultivate The Holy Spirit's Presence
How To Discipline – Ages 1-12
How To Get Rich
How To Give God Glory
How To Grow in Grace
How To Grow in Grace
How To Have A Life Nourished By God's
How to Have a Personal Revival
How to Identify a False Cult
How To Live the Rest of Your Life
How To Live With Difficult People
How to Quit A Sinful Habit
How To Quit A Sinful Habit Part 2
How to recieve God's deep burden for souls
How To Stay Pure In A Sin Sick World"
How to Tell When a Thing is From God
How to think as a Christian - Part 2
How to Use the Law Lawfully To Bear Fruit for God
How We Can Stop Sinning
How We Come to Know Sin
I Entrust You to God and to the Word of His Grace
I Need to Know How To Act
I need to know I belong...unity in the spirit!
I need to know My Responsibility!
I need to know the Joy of Heavenly Treasures!
I Press Toward the Mark
If you Stand Before God Today
Illegitimate Government and What to Do About It
Is The Earth Going to Be Destroyed or Renewed
Is Your God Able to Deliver You?
Jentezen Franklin - How to End Well
Jesus is God the Creator
Jesus: Mediator of a Better Covenant, Part 1
Jesus: Mediator of a Better Covenant, Part 2
Jesus´ victory over the powers of darkness
Journey from darkness to light Pt 2
Joy To The World
Judgement unto salvation or condemnation
Keep Looking To Jesus (alternative)
Learn to know the shepherds voice
Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone
Let Us Draw Near to God
Let Us go on Unto Perfection
L'évangile instoppable
Limited Atonement
Living Life in the Context of His Story
Looking Back to Witnesses, Up to Jesus, and Forward to Joy
Man's Best Attempt to Help God
Marriage: To Be Or Not To Be?
Married To Jesus
MEDIA ENCLOSURE: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/walkintheword/wxZf/~5/YCUNhD9TI_8/20120617HBC.mp3 I Choose to Trust - A
Meet Your Psychiatrist: He Puts Life Together
Meet Your Psychiatrist: He Teaches You to Pray
Model For Praying: Lead Us Not Into Temptation, Deliver...
Mouths Closed and All the World Accountable to God
Needs to Open Our Mouths
Noah Dared to Believe God
Not to Be Wasted
One Together in Our Labour (23)
Only One Life to Live
Our Commitment to Scripture
Pastor Bill Johnson - The Responsibility of Blessing
Pastor Micheal Kimuli - (2000) Entering The Holy of Holies
Pastor Mike Bickle - The Glory of God’s Emotions
Pastoral Thoughts on the Doctrine of Election
Path Toward Spiritual Perfection
Path Toward Spiritual Perfection
Personal Victory For The New Year
Personal Victory For The New Year
Portuguese: Week One Living Hope for the End of Days Semana 1: Adore o Cristo do Apoc
Praise and Thanksgiving: Praise the Creator
Reactions To The Crucifixion
Relating To Relevant Authority
Relating To Relevant Authority
Relational Churches and How to Shepherd Them
Resting and Wrestling for the Cause of Christ—Together
Restoration Of Joy
Restoring a Fallen Brother
Restoring Fear of the One True God
Rich Toward God
Road To Reality - Breakthrough - Part 1
Road to Reality - Bridge of Hope- Mark 9
Road to Reality - Invest in the Harvest- Matt 7
Road to Reality - To Live Is Christ - Part 2
Road to Reality - When We Have Failed, What Next? - Part 1
Road to Reality - Words of Wisdom Acts 13 - Part 1
Run to the Resurrection
Set apart unto God
Skills for Pastoral Ministry
So You Want to Marry My Daughter?
Steps To Personal Revival
Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - Fulfills
Steps Towards Spiritual Perfection) - Intro
Steve Hill - Prepare to meet your God (compilation)
Stoke the Fire
Stuff America Needs to Repent Of
Subjected to Futility in Hope, Part 1
Subjected to Futility in Hope, Part 2
Submission to Spiritual Leadership
Submitting to Christ's Sovereignty
Take Heed to Yourself and to Your Teaching
Take Heed To Yourselves
Take Me to the River
Temptation And How To Overcome It
Thanks be to God for His gift of Salvation
Thanks to the Bethlehem Staff
The Autobiography of Greatness
The Beauteous World as Made By Him, and His Reception Into It
The Beauteous World as Made By Him, and His Reception Into It
The Bridge that was too Short
The Chief Cornerstone
The Chief Cornerstone and Us Cornerstones
The Christians Relation to Government
The Discipline of Personal Prayer - A
The Epistle To The Romans
The Epistle to the Torontonians - Part 1
The Epistle to the Torontonians - Part 2
The Epistle to the Torontonians - Part 2
The Fall of Satan and the Victory of Christ
The Five Smooth Stones
The Full Assurance of Hope to the End
The Gospel According to Jesus
The Greatest Story Ever Told
The Greatness of God's Electing LoveGod's Word Stands: Christ Came to Confirm It
The History of Health Care and the Future
The Importance of the Kingdom Today
The Kagan Nomination to the Supreme Court
The Path to Power and Usefulness
The Personal Application of Christ's Coming Into the World
The Sacrifice That Is Pleasing To God
The Secret Of Victory
The Secret Of Victory
The Signs of Pentecost Today
The Son of God Appeared to Destroy the Works of the Devil
The Sovereign Sacrifice: Foreknown, Foretold, for Faith
The Sure Road To Peace
The Tongue
The Way to Paradise
The Way to Paradise
The Wife Vows To Submit & To Be Sexually Exciting
This Way to Happiness: Wanted: Peacemakers
This Way to Happiness: What to Do Until the King Comes
This Way to Real Freedom
Three Lessons in How To Respond When Wronged By Others
Thrilled to Death
To Live Is Christ - full length
To the Seven Churches
Total Depravity
Touch Me Not
Treasuring Christ Together as a Church on Multiple Campuses
Turning Life into Enriched, Fulfilled Vocation
Understanding the New Testament Call to Fasting - Mike Bickle
We are Indebted to Sinners
We Have Come to Worship Him
Wednesday #2 Hindrances to Revival
Weekend Feature | Overcoming the Obstacles to Eternal Life
What Does It Mean to Accept Christ - Part 2
What Does It Mean to Accept Christ - Part 2
What Does it Really Mean to be Born Again?
What Does the Phrase: Great Commission Living Mean for Us Today in the Church?
What God Can Do Today
What God Did To You Before You Were Born
What Is It To Accept Jesus
What Is It To Accept Jesus
What is Obedience to God
What The Church Needs Today
What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do
What to Know When Sent by God
What To Know When You are Suffering
When Life Goes from Bad to Worse
When We Will Stop Sinning
Where to look for life
Who Cast Jonah Into the Sea?
Who Should We Invite to Thanksgiving Dinner?
Why God Laid a Stone of Stumbling
Why We Can Stop Sinning
Why We Should Stop Sinning
Wrestling With God for Your Family - A
Wrestling With God for Your Family - B
Wrestling With God for Your Family - C
y Yielded To God
You Have Come to Mount Zion
عرض الكل
عرض الكل
Dangerous Liaisons Of The Mind - David Legge
David's Adultery - The Great Fall - David Legge
How To Stay Pure In A Sin Sick World" - David Legge
?"Stand By Your Man - Is Marriage Outdated" - David Legge
Marriage: To Be Or Not To Be? - David Legge
"Marriage Matters" - David Legge
"The Subject Of Divorce" - David Legge
"Divorce and Remarriage" - David Legge
"God's Guardians And Guarantees" - David Legge
"The Jeopardy Of Joseph Part 2" - David Legge
"The Angel Of Jehovah" - David Legge
"Be Reconciled To Thy Brother" - David Legge
"Turn The Other Cheek" - David Legge
"Answers And Prayer" - David Legge
"Answer, Yes! But That One? No!" - David Legge
"Watching And Waiting" - David Legge
Doing It God's Way - David Legge
The Heart That God Broke To Mend - David Legge
A God Of His Word - David Legge
"The Church And Prayer" - David Legge
Encouragement To Pray Pt1 - David Legge
Encouragement To Pray Pt2 - David Legge
What Happens When A Church Really Prays - David Legge
"A Spirit Of Apathy" - David Legge
At Ease In Zion - David Legge
Visionary Or Stationary? - David Legge
"O Sleeper Arise!" - David Legge
"The Unintentional Letter" - David Legge
"The Creepers" - David Legge
"Remember, Remember" - David Legge
"The Deathless Man And His Deathless Message" - David Legge
"The Apostates Final Fall" - David Legge
"The Great Escape" - David Legge
"Rescue The Falling" - David Legge
"Discernment" - David Legge
"False Prophets: Their Projection and Their Production" - David Legge
"The Christian And False Doctrine" - David Legge
"The Pain Of Paul" - David Legge
"The Worker's Rights" - David Legge
"The Wisdom Of A Master Soul-Winner" - David Legge
"John Mark - The Man, His Method, and His Message" - David Legge
"The Christian Warrior's Brief" - David Legge
"The Christian Warrior's Armour - Part 1" - David Legge
"The Christian Warrior's Armour - Part 3" - David Legge
"Warfare" - David Legge
"Assurance" - David Legge
"Introduction To 1 John" - David Legge
?"Profession Or Possession" - David Legge
"Identifying The Sheep Of God" - David Legge
"Building For Eternity" - David Legge
"A Trinity Of Certainty And Security" - David Legge
"A Pastor's Joy In His People - Part 2" - David Legge
"The Bible and Personal Assurance" - David Legge
"The Certainty Of Salvation: Past, Present, And Future" - David Legge
"The Baptism Of Christ" - David Legge
"The Servant's Baptism" - David Legge
"Dead To Sin (Baptismal Service)" - David Legge
?"What Is Happiness" - David Legge
"Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit" - David Legge
"Blessed Are They That Mourn" - David Legge
"Blessed Are The Meek" - David Legge
"Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst After Righteousness" - David Legge
"Blessed Are The Merciful" - David Legge
"Blessed Are The Pure In Heart" - David Legge
"Blessed Are The Peacemakers" - David Legge
"Blessed Are The Persecuted" - David Legge
"Getting Back To The Bible" - David Legge
"Bringing God's Blessing Down" - David Legge
"Message On Discipline" - David Legge
"Body Building" - David Legge
"The Christian At Work" - David Legge
"The Practice And Principles Of The Lord's Supper - Part 1" - David Legge
"The Practice And Principles Of The Lord's Supper - Part 2" - David Legge
"The Practice And Principles Of The Lord's Supper - Part 3" - David Legge
"Celebrating The Supper Of The Lord" - David Legge
"The Sop And The Supper" - David Legge
"The Place Called Calvary" - David Legge
"Away With Him!" - David Legge
"Trial And Denial" - David Legge
"Golgotha" - David Legge
"The Path To Peace Of Mind - Part 1" - David Legge
"Marriage: To Be Or Not To Be?" - David Legge
"Advantages Of Singlehood And Advice For Widowhood""Advantages Of Singlehood And Advice For Widowhood" - David Legge
"The Pre-Existent Christ" - David Legge
"The Deity Of Christ" - David Legge
"The Humanity Of Christ" - David Legge
"The Childhood Of Christ" - David Legge
"He Is Altogether Lovely" - David Legge
"The Lord And Prayer" - David Legge
"Immanuel - God With Us" - David Legge
"The Bounties Of Our Conquering Christ" - David Legge
"Liar, Lunatic Or Lord?" - David Legge
"Treasures In The Family Tree Of Christ" - David Legge
"The Majesty And Humility Of Christ - Part 1" - David Legge
"The Universal Appeal Of Christ" - David Legge
"The Case For Christ" - David Legge
"What I Love About The Lord" - David Legge
"The Ever Present Jesus" - David Legge
"The Unwelcome Christ" - David Legge
"Rote Learning Of Multiplication" - David Legge
"The Return Of Jesus Christ" - David Legge
"Question Time" - David Legge
"Authentic Christianity" - David Legge
"The Christian: The Divine Impersonator" - David Legge
"The Children Of Light" - David Legge
"Confident Christianity" - David Legge
"The Christian Wife" - David Legge
"The Christian Husband" - David Legge
"With Christ At The Crossroads" - David Legge
"Baby Christians" - David Legge
"Suffering: The Catalyst Of The Gospel" - David Legge
"The Servant Of Christ" - David Legge
The Difference Between Those Who Think And Those Who Are - Part 1" - David Legge
"The Difference Between Those Who Think And Those Who Are - Part 2" - David Legge
?"Revelation Or Litigation" - David Legge
"Christian Liberty And The Christian's Purity" - David Legge
"The Christian Life Turned Inside Out" - David Legge
"Silent Lights" - David Legge
"Paul's Christ-Like Friends" - David Legge
"Progress In Purpose" - David Legge
"Orientating Our Obedience" - David Legge
"The Family Likeness" - David Legge
"Right Or Wrong Christianity" - David Legge
"Gaius - The Man Who Helped God's Work" - David Legge
"Demetrius - The Man Who Was Honoured In God's Work" - David Legge
"The Parable Of The Lamp And Its Stand" - David Legge
"The Missing Presence Of Christ" - David Legge
"Copying God" - David Legge
"The Stumbling-Blocks To Greatness" - David Legge
"You Can't Lose" - David Legge
"The Victorious Christian Life" - David Legge
"The Love Of God" - David Legge
"What Is Worship?" - David Legge
"The Barren Womb And The Virgin Birth" - David Legge
"Make A Nest For Your Young" - David Legge
"The Sanctity of Marriage and The Security of Children" - David Legge
"Parents And Children" - David Legge
"The Administration Of God's Government" - David Legge
"Samson, The Promising Start" - David Legge
"The Reason It Was Written" - David Legge
"Lessons On Walking In Church" - David Legge
"A Pastor's Joy In His People - Part 1" - David Legge
"Dealing With Division - Part 1" - David Legge
"Dealing With Division - Part 2" - David Legge
"Needed Knowledge For The Church" - David Legge
"The Marks Of A Spiritual Church - Part 1" - David Legge
"The Marks Of A Spiritual Church - Part 2" - David Legge
"The Marks Of A Spiritual Church - Part 3" - David Legge
"Discipline In The House Of God" - David Legge
"What Happens When A Church Really Prays" - David Legge
"Diotrephes - The Man Who Hindered God's Work" - David Legge
"The Parable Of The Growth Of The Mustard Seed" - David Legge
"Ephesus, The Loveless Church" - David Legge
"Pergamos, The Compromising Church" - David Legge
"Thyatira, The Corrupt Church" - David Legge
"Sardis, The Dead Church" - David Legge
"Philadelphia, The Faithful Church" - David Legge
"Laodicea, The Lukewarm Church" - David Legge
"Stay As You Are" - David Legge
"The Agonies Of Abraham" - David Legge
"The Life Journey Of Jacob" - David Legge
"The God Of All Comfort" - David Legge
"A Plan And Purpose In Our Pain" - David Legge
"The Only Safe Place" - David Legge
"Getting Through Life" - David Legge
"When Bad Things Happen To Good People" - David Legge
"Where Is God?" - David Legge
"God Over All!" - David Legge
"Through The Valley" - David Legge
"The Joy of Suffering Service - Part 1" - David Legge
"Courage For The Unknown Road" - David Legge
"Never Forget What God Remembers" - David Legge
"Communion and Reunion - Part 1" - David Legge
"Communion and Reunion - Part 2" - David Legge
"The Morning Watch" - David Legge
"Consecration - The Highway Of Holiness" - David Legge
"The Secret Of Contentment" - David Legge
"Job's Enigma" - David Legge
"The Origin Of The Universe" - David Legge
"The Origin Of The Human Race" - David Legge
"The Origin Of Sin" - David Legge
"Israel and the Sovereign Justice of God" - David Legge
"How Many Crowns In Heaven?" - David Legge
"Built To Last For Eternity" - David Legge
"The Witness Of The Watchtower" - David Legge
"Christian Science and Scientology" - David Legge
"Mormonism - The Latter Day Saints" - David Legge
"Unitarianism" - David Legge
"Spiritism" - David Legge
"International Church Of Christ" - David Legge
"Christadelphianism" - David Legge
"The Baha'i Faith" - David Legge
"Cooneyites" - David Legge
"The Reproduction Of Power In Effective Service" - David Legge
"Oneness Pentecostalism" - David Legge
"Freemasonry" - David Legge